[SPANISH] Bioblitz July 1-2, 2017 – Sierra de Baza: results and biodiversity data


Report published by AEA El Bosque Animado, Cordoba, 2017:25 pp.

Prunier, F., Obregón, R., Amarillo, J.M., Cancela, J.P., Cuadrado, M., de Haro, S., Fernández Honrubia, A., Guerrero Fernández, J.J., Hódar, J.A., López Tirado, J., Meneses, V., Miralles, Á., Pérez, A., Ríos, F., Ripoll, J., Rodríguez, G., Rodríguez Luque, F., Salcedo, J., Sánchez, I.

Summary: This work presents the list of species of the “Bioblitz” carried out in the P.N. Sierra de Baza in July 2017, in which 42 naturalists belonging to a total of 7 organizations from Spain as well as from the academic field have participated. Also noteworthy is the contribution of the informal group “Flying Dutch Orthoptera”, made up of researchers from the National Naturalis Museum (Holland). The day was completed with three talks related to biodiversity topic. A total of 585 species corresponding to the most important taxonomic groups have been reported. The Bioblitz totaled 390 invertebrates, 74 vertebrates, and 118 vascular plants. The following species should be noted for their rarity: the butterfly Pseudochazara williamsi and the stink bug Parahypsitylus nevadensis. For these species, and other emblematic ones of the sierra, short fact sheets highlight their most interesting features. Finally, we must emphazise Bioblitz meetings are useful for the scientific community and serve as a reference for managers of natural areas.
female of Pycnogaster inermis

A female of Pycnogaster inermis, a spectacular large soil-dwelling grasshopper that frequently seeks refuge in thorny thickets. The Baza Bioblitz made it possible to collect several data from this little harvested orthoptera.

The following entities were present at the meeting (in random order): Asociación de Educación Ambiental El Bosque Animado, Agrupacion del Voluntariado de Santa Fe AUCA, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Asociación Naturalista Almeriense, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Murcía, Observation.org Andalucía, Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural, Sociedad Andaluza de Entomología, Naturalis Biodiversity Center de Leiden (Holand).

Acknowledgment: We thank Rafael César Córdoba Fernández and Elena García Lozano, Director and Technician of the Sierra de Baza Natural Park for their technical support. To the companies that manage the Narváez visitor center and the Cortijo de Narváez for their good reception.


Species at Observado

Species at Biodiversidad Virtual


Report of the event

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