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Travel literature on Andalusia

Memoirs of expat living in Spain and of travelers Andrew Edwards and Suzanne Edwards – 2016. Andalucia: A Literary Guide for Travellers. IB Tauris.   Chris Stewart – 1999. Driving Over Lemons: An Optimist in Andalucía. – 2000. A Parrot in the Pepper...

Romantic travelers in Andalusia

Romanticism is a cultural movement that flourished in northern Europe in the first half of the nineteenth century, whose aesthetic and moral values ​​constitute a replica, often an opposition, to the philosophical currents of Classicism and Enlightenment that made...

A brief history of Andalusia

Andalusia is a melting pot where several civilizations have been successful and have been enriched by the cultural stratum left by their predecessors. Prehistory Neanderthals. The Iberian Peninsula was inhabited by hominids when modern humans landed 35,000 years ago...

Andalusian stereotypes by its inhabitants

“The clichés on Andalusians”, images all made so true and so false. Cocasserie: the Spaniards living north of Despeñaperros consider Andalusians to be laughing and funny people (“graciosas”), while for Andalusians, it is only the inhabitants of...

Clichés about Andalusia

Discussing stereotypes, “los topicos”, is the opportunity to put on a very inconvenient nine-meter shirt, “la camisa de once varas”, an expression which could also mean to attack a new wall. meters… that is to say “meterse en un...


Al-Ándalus is the Arabic term, of uncertain origin (perhaps the Atlantic Land) that designates the territories of the Iberian Peninsula under Muslim rule during the Middle Ages, between 711 (landing in Algeciras) and 1492 (Granada fall). Historical development of Al...