El Hombre y la Tierra

The legendary and pionnering series directed by Félix Rodríguez de La Fuente, produced by RTVE between 1974 and 1980, and including 124 episodes, most of them shot in Spain. Memorable episodes were recorded in Doñana and Cazorla. Those documentaries had massive impact on Spanish society and the conservation movement. The full series is available in YT… and still interesting, if only for the truly iconic theme song.


Doñana, an oasis for Europe (1998), available in English. Planetdoc’s page. A fairly good description of “one of the most important parks in Europe”.


WildMed, the last Mediterranean forest. A 2014 movie, distributed and seen in cinemas, directed by Arturo Menor which has become a classic of the genre. Excellent documentary very well filmed, both epic and didactic at the same time, even including rather rare images of invertebrates. More clips on the director’s page.

Spring: the Return of Life

Very nice documentary from 2014 distributed entirely on the YT channel The Secrets of Nature.


2013 Spanish documentary, directed by Joaquín Gutiérrez Acha. Spectacular documentary-fiction distributed at the cinema – which is rare, all the same – that I had seen at the time in dark rooms. The film shows scenes of Andalusian wildlife narrating the adventures of a fox that travels from the source of the Guadalquivir in the mountains near Cazorla to its mouth at Doñana. The images are superb and attractive… unfortunately, the story is disjointed, but especially the texts and the narration in V.O. are horrifying. The film leaves a bitter taste and vacuity at the end. Still worth the detour for photography and practicing Spanish. RTVE Spin-off.


2020 Spanish documentary, directed by Joaquín Gutiérrez Acha. The previous film had the effect of a repellent to me and the scene of the falling acorn was already present in WildMed… But, let’s bet that the images will be spectacular again… To see, then. Again the soundtrack makes us want to take the binoculars and go out on the field.
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