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Dragonfly tour

Wildlife watching
Expert Nature Guide
Wildlife watching
Guide nature spécialisé

Natural parks

Alcornocales, Grazalema, Sierra de Las Nieves


May – June

À la carte

7 days chasing dragonflies

Dragonfly tour in Andalusia: Diplacodes lefebvrei

– 55 species on the fly

– The best Andalusian rivers

– Larvae and exuviae


Spain/ Andalusia

Meeting point


Specialized service

Small parties

Andalusia is one of the most rewarding destinations for the observation of odonates in Europe. We will take you to the best dragonfly tour: the provinces of Malaga and Cadiz. The lovely white village of Benarrabá, next to Gaucín,  will be our main base.

The Dragonfly tour rambles into a Top European  destination for Odonata

The region is home to beautiful rivers and streams characterized by low flow and mild water temperatures, very favorable conditions for dragonflies and damselflies. Note that Río Genal and Río Hozgarganta are reputed to be the last truly wild rivers of Andalusia.

Highly representative species of these ecosystems are: Copper Demoiselle (Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis), Orange Featherleg (Platycnemis acutipennis), Western Spectre (Boyeria irene), Three species of Clubtails (Gomphus spp) and three species of Pincertails (Onychogomphus spp). Rarer and endangered species are the Orange-spotted Emerald (Oxygastra curtisii) and the Splendid cruiser (Macromia splendens), the latter often difficult to observe due to its behavior.

Andalusia is the gateway for African species that colonize Europe, in particular it will be very easy to watch Violet Dropwing (Trithemis annulata) and Orange-winged Dropwing (Trithemis kirbyi), two species of spectacular colors.

Other species whose distribution is restricted to specific localities and habitats in Andalusia are: Ringed Cascader (Zygonyx torridus), Black Percher (Diplacodes lefebvrii), Faded Pincertail (Onychogomphus costae), Common Hooktail (Paragomphus genei), Epaulet skimmer (Orthetrum chrysostigma), Yellow-veined Skimmer (Orthetrum nitidinerve), Long skimmer (Orthetrum trinacria), Desert Darter (Sympetrum sinaiticum), Banded Groundling (Brachythemys leucosticta) and finally Black Pennant (Selysiothemis nigra).

Dragonfly tour in Andalusia: Diplacodes lefebvrei
Dragonflies in Souther Spain

Visit Southern Spain provinces of Cadix and Malaga

Andalusia is one of the most rewarding destinations for the observation of odonates in Europe. We will take you to the best dragonfly tour: the provinces of Malaga and Cadiz.

2022 Andalusia Dragonfly tour

The region is home to beautiful rivers and streams characterized by low flow and mild water temperatures, very favorable conditions for dragonflies and damselflies. Note that Río Genal and Río Hozgarganta are reputed to be the last truly wild rivers of Andalusia.

The Dragonfly tour rambles into a Top European  destination for Odonata


Highly representative species of these ecosystems are: Copper Demoiselle (Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis), Orange Featherleg (Platycnemis acutipennis), Western Spectre (Boyeria irene), Three species of Clubtails (Gomphus spp) and three species of Pincertails (Onychogomphus spp). Rarer and endangered species are the Orange-spotted Emerald (Oxygastra curtisii) and the Splendid cruiser (Macromia splendens), the latter often difficult to observe due to its behavior.

Visit Southern Spain provinces of Cadix and Malaga

Andalusia is the gateway for African species that colonize Europe, in particular it will be very easy to watch Violet Dropwing (Trithemis annulata) and Orange-winged Dropwing (Trithemis kirbyi), two species of spectacular colors.

Other species whose distribution is restricted to specific localities and habitats in Andalusia are: Ringed Cascader (Zygonyx torridus), Black Percher (Diplacodes lefebvrii), Faded Pincertail (Onychogomphus costae), Common Hooktail (Paragomphus genei), Epaulet skimmer (Orthetrum chrysostigma), Yellow-veined Skimmer (Orthetrum nitidinerve), Long skimmer (Orthetrum trinacria), Desert Darter (Sympetrum sinaiticum), Banded Groundling (Brachythemys leucosticta) and finally Black Pennant (Selysiothemis nigra).

 Travel schedule “Andalusia’s Dragonflies trip

photo dragonfly in Andalusia
DAY 1 | Transfer from Malaga airport - Guadalmina stream

Meeting at Málaga Airport. We will visit the Guadalmina stream located south of the “Sierra de Las Nieves National Park”, where southern specialties are already present: Ischnura graellsii, Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis, Trithemis kirbyi. We will sleep one night next to the Costa del Sol.

Réserve ornithologique de l'Estuaire du Guadalhorce
DAY 2 | Costa del Sol streams and reservoir

Visit of an exceptional site with short stream and still water. This permanent stream, well oxygenated and with mild temperatures, is currently one of the best sites for dragonflies in Andalusia. Great observations are guaranteed, let us quote in disorder: Boyeria irene, Oxygastra curtisii, several Gomphus and Onychogomphus, etc. The small reservoir will allow for interesting Orthetrum species. Accomodation will take place at the lovely white village of Benarrabá for five nights.

Rivière Génal
DAY 3 | Genal River

Whole day dedicated to the Genal River, one of the last two wild rivers in southern Spain and protected by a huge cork oak forest. We will also stop at great view points to enjoy the landscape. All southern European species of running water breed in this river, although in low densities.

Réserve ornithologique de l'Estuaire du Guadalhorce
DAY 4 |Stagnant waters and generalist species

Day dedicated to Mediterranean species of stagnant waters: Trithemis annulata, Lestes virens, Brachytemis leucosticta, etc. We will visit the temporary pond La Florida, Buitreras Reservoir at Cañada Real del Tesoro, the Guadiaro River and finish with the temporary pond at Encinas Borrachas.

Rivière Hozgarganta
DAY 5 | Hozgarganta River

Hozgarganta River, the other last wild river of the southern Spain, but very different from the Genal, alternating running waters and natural small reservoirs of deep waters. Once again, all Mediterranean species of running waters are potential. Let’s mention Platycnemis acutipennis, Macromia splendens (hard to observe), with have higher densities than in the Genal.

Réserve ornithologique de l'Estuaire du Guadalhorce
DAY 6 | Faded pincertail quest

We will stop at a small reservoir close to Montejaque: a wetland rich in stagnant water species such as Orthetrum trinacria and Brachythemys leucosticta. We aim to visit the Guadalete River: a small river of plain strongly resembling the Guadalquivir, and one of the best places for Onychogomphus costae. On the way back, we will stop in Ronda for The Gash and early supper.

dragonfly group: searching for rarities
DAY 7 | Searching for rarities

This last day is dedicated to species generally difficult to observe in Western Andalusia. First stop at Las Piedras stream, located in an agricultural area, best place for Orthetrum nitidinerve in Andalusia in recent years. We will finish the trip with a visit to artificial lagoons at  Campanillas, a regular habitat for the eastern species Selysiothemys nigra. We will spend one night near Málaga.

Réserve ornithologique de l'Estuaire du Guadalhorce
DAY 8 | Back to the airport

This travel is over and we will be back home as soon as possible. Transfer to the airport in the morning.



  • A wildlife watching travel lead by local nature guide. Groups 5-8 people.
  • Half board (picnics by the participants).
  • Double rooms (single room supplement).
  • Does not include round-trip flights by plane.


The discovery of magnificient Serrania de Ronda with accodomation at a typical white village. Not only you will enjoy wildlife but also the Andalusian culture and gastronomy. Dinners will include typical dishes.