Doñana birdwatching tour

The birds of Mediterranean marshes


Wildlife watching
Expert bird Guide
Wildlife watching
Expert Nature Guide

National Park

Doñana / Odiel


Winter / Spring

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2-7 days

Doñana birdwatching tour guide

– Largest wetland of W. Europe

– Birding tour hotspot

– Winter quarter for waterfowl


Spain / Andalusia

Meeting point


Specialized service

High-end optical devices

Doñana … the mythical estuary of the Guadalquivir whose abundance of birds attracts people since antiquity and today is a place of observation for all those curious about nature. World-renowned national park with countless wetlands and dune terrestrial ecosystems.

The Doñana Natural Area: national park, regional park and nature reserves !

Check our detailled site guide of Doñana.

Exploring Doñana’s vast Natural Area takes time to grasp its ecosystems and biodiversity. We suggest visiting the most important sites to maximize the observations of interest.

We offer our service as birdwatching and wildlife guide. In winter, more than 600.000 waterbirds await for your visite.

If you are a beginner … we will learn how to use binoculars and adjust a telescope, how to compare the different bird species and to observe their behavior. We will explore the main ecosystems without forgeting to look at plants, insects, and having time to photograph. In short, a field course of zoology and ecology, combining the emotion of the fleeting natural moments.

For more experienced audiences, we will focus on species that are more difficult to detect or identify. We offer a naturalistic approach to the pleasure of nature and discovery.

You can study the guide of Wetland birds in Andalusia.

If the international reputation of the Doñana marshes is no longer in doubt, visitors are often surprised by the scale of the beaches, dunes and umbrella pine forests.

Birdwatching in Andalusia: Spoobill / Platalea leucorodia

600.000 wetland birds

Birds in Doñana: Glossy ibis / Plegadis falcinelus

300 species throughout the year

Doñana … the mythical estuary of the Guadalquivir whose abundance of birds attracts people since antiquity and today is a place of observation for all those curious about nature. World-renowned national park with countless wetlands and dune terrestrial ecosystems.

Check our detailled site guide of Doñana.

Doñana wetland: La Rocina

Doñana Natural Area: national park, regional park and nature reserves !

Exploring Doñana’s vast Natural Area takes time to grasp its ecosystems and biodiversity. We suggest visiting the most important sites to maximize the observations of interest.

Birdwatching in Andalusia: Spoobill / Platalea leucorodia

600.000 wetland birds

We offer our service as birdwatching and wildlife guide.

If you are a beginner … we will learn how to use binoculars and adjust a telescope, how to compare the different bird species and to observe their behavior. We will explore the main ecosystems without forgeting to look at plants, insects, and having time to photograph. In short, a field course of zoology and ecology, combining the emotion of the fleeting natural moments.

Birds in Doñana: Glossy ibis / Plegadis falcinelus

300 species throughout the year

For more experienced audiences, we will focus on species that are more difficult to detect or identify. We offer a naturalistic approach to the pleasure of nature and discovery.

If the international reputation of the Doñana marshes is no longer in doubt, visitors are often surprised by the scale of the beaches, dunes and umbrella pine forests.

Very common attractive birds in Doñana

Red-crested Pochard / Netta rufina birds in Doñana

Red-crested Pochard

Squacco Heron / Ardeola ralloides

Squacco Heron

Spoonbill / Platalea leucorodia


Glossy Ibis / Plegadis falcinellus

Glossy Ibis

Purple Swamp-hen / Porphyrio porphyrio

Purple Swamp-hen

European Bee-eater / Merops apiaster

European Bee-eater

Red-crested Pochard / Netta rufina birds in Doñana

Red-crested Pochard

Squacco Heron / Ardeola ralloides

Squacco Heron

Spoonbill / Platalea leucorodia


Glossy Ibis / Plegadis falcinellus

Glossy Ibis

Purple Swamp-hen / Porphyrio porphyrio

Purple Swamp-hen

European Bee-eater / Merops apiaster

European Bee-eater

You can study guide of Wetland birds in Andalusia.

Iconic wetland species, but often difficult to observe

Spanish Imperial Eagle / Aquila adalberti

Spanish Imperial Eagle

Marbled Duck / Marmaronetta angustirostris Mediterranean wetland breeding

Marbled Duck

White headed Duck / Oxyura leucocephala

White headed Duck

Red-knobbed Coot / Fulica cristata in the Guadalquivir estuary

Red-knobbed Coot

Ferruginous Duck / Aythya nyroca

Ferruginous Duck

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse / Pterocles alchat

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse

Spanish Imperial Eagle / Aquila adalberti

Spanish Imperial Eagle

Marbled Duck / Marmaronetta angustirostris Mediterranean wetland breeding

Marbled Duck

White headed Duck / Oxyura leucocephala

White headed Duck

Red-knobbed Coot / Fulica cristata in the Guadalquivir estuary

Red-knobbed Coot

Ferruginous Duck / Aythya nyroca

Ferruginous Duck

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse / Pterocles alchat

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse

Other animals typical of the dunes at the Guadalquivir estuary

Iberian Lynx / Lynx pardinus

Iberian Lynx

Red deer / Cervus elaphus

Red deer

Carbonell's lizard / Podarcis carbonelli

Carbonell’s lizard

Green-striped white / Euchloe belemia

Green-striped white

Dark spreadwing / Lestes macrostigma

Dark spreadwing

Iberian spoonwing / Nemoptera bipennis

Iberian spoonwing

Iberian Lynx / Lynx pardinus

Iberian Lynx

Red deer / Cervus elaphus

Red deer

Carbonell's lizard / Podarcis carbonelli

Carbonell’s lizard

Green-striped white / Euchloe belemia

Green-striped white

Dark spreadwing / Lestes macrostigma

Dark spreadwing

Iberian spoonwing / Nemoptera bipennis

Iberian spoonwing

Lagoon Bird observator y Valverde

What you get?

– Field trip from dawn to sunset.

Birding guide in Andalusia.

– High-end telescopes: the mighty Kowa TSN 99.

– Smartphone adaptator to take your own pictures.

– High-end binoculars.

– Illustrated check-list for the exact period of your visit.

Travel scheduleDiscover Doñana: the birds of Mediterranean marshes”


Doñana sunset. Little swift (Apus affinis)
DAY 1 | Airport transfer - the mouth of the Guadalquivir

See you in Seville at noon. We will head to Sanlúcar de Barrameda to discover the meeting of the river and the ocean and enjoy ornithological surprises: the only European place for Little swift (Apus affinis). We will enjoy a beautiful sunset over the sea.

Panoramic views of the marshes – Mouth of the Guadalquivir River – Chipiona

slender-billed gull  / Larus genei at Doñana
DAY 2 | Southern Doñana

An intense day that will allow you to explore a remarkable diversity of aquatic habitats and already produce a long list of birds. A permanent lagoon will be ideal for searching for the most endangered avifauna: white-headed duck and if luck smiles on us, marbled teal or Red-knobbed Coot. The sunset over the marshes is especially spectacular.

Marine birds – Salines de Bonanza – Laguna Tarelo – Pinar La Algaida – Marismas Trebujena.

Isla Mayor
DAY 3 | Eastern Doñana

We will travel along the banks of the Guadalquivir in its only section accessible to vehicles and finally enter the polder area of the Brazo del Este (a real labyrinth). We will dedicate time to exploring a highly transformed agricultural habitat and the former eastern branch of the Guadalquivir that could not be completely drained … an exceptional wealth of avifauna awaits us. On an adjoining hill, we will visit surprising temporary Mediterranean ponds. In the late afternoon, we will finally cross the Guadalquivir to reach the right bank of the river.

Dirt track along the Guadalquivir – Brazo del Este – Dehesa La Atalaya.

Glossy ibis in Spain
DAY 4 | Northern Doñana round-trip

A very intense day awaits us as Doñana Nord offers, once again, exceptional sites for bird watching. Some novelties: Heronry, colonies of Glossy ibis and white storks; huge expanses of rice paddies, natural salt marshes and deep freshwater canal. Note that the surrounding forests are home to several lynx territories.

Isla Mayor – Centro J.A. Valverde – Caño Guadiamar – Dehesa Abajo.

MArshes at El Rocio ('Marismas de La Madre')
DAY 5 | El Rocío, heart of Doñana

We will finally arrive at El Rocío, the center of Doñana, the area that travelers often visit first. We will discover with great pleasure the white village and the grassy marshes grazed by the ‘marismeños’ horses. The gallery forest of La Rocina is well worth a visit.

El Rocío – Marisma La Madre – La Rocina – El Acebrón.

Safari tour : Dunes at Doñana
DAY 6 | Safari in the National Park

We will visit the restricted area of the National Park in a 4×4 vehicle to explore the largest mobile dune complex in Europe and the vast swamps they protect. The wet meadows of La Vera are home to ungulates and a large heron. The afternoon will be dedicated to visiting the main interpretation center of the park (exhibition, souvenirs) and its lagoons (the last visited during this trip).

El Puntal – El Acebuche – Lagunas del Acebuche

Fossil dune El Asperillo
DAY 7 | Western Doñana and goodbye

Last excursion to the fossil dunes of Doñana which culminate at 100 meters and offer an exceptional panoramic view of the pine forest and the ocean. On the way back, the amazing río Tinto will offer a welcome break. Finally, we will leave in the early afternoon in Seville.

Old Pine at Mazagón – El Asperillo cliffs – Cuesta Maneli – Abalario – Río Tinto.

Osprey Pandion Odiel marshes
EXTRA | Odiel marshes / Piedras marshes

Let’s continue the journey to Huelva and its superb Odiel Marshes. We can spend a full day and even two days in the field there. Unlike the Guadalquivir, this estuary has retained its maritime character and the strong tides reveal salt marshes and mudflats where abound coastal waders, which are rather rare on Doñana. A re-introduction program of ospreys allows for great observations of the raptor which is breeding locally.



  • A wildlife watching travel lead by local nature guide.
  • Half board (picnics by the participants).
  • Double rooms (single room supplement).
  • Does not include round-trip flights by plane.


Doñana, Doñana and Doñana … We will explore the main sites and ecosystems of the largest protected natural area in Europe.

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