Mammals of Andalusia
Bastion of the Iberian Lynx – kingdom of wild rabbits and their lot of predators.
Mammals are generally discrete vertebrates very difficult to observe. They have in common their constant body temperature, being covered with hair, being viviparous and feeding their young with milk.
Mammals are the most varied kind of animals in the world …
Think of the diversity of occupied habitats by the flying bats, the cetaceans that inhabit the seas or the lagomorphs that eat grass and their carnivorous predators … and the group also holds all the records: on one hand, the world’s largest species is the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) followed by the common whale (Balaenoptera physalus) that migrates through the Strait of Gibraltar; On the other hand, one of the smallest species is the etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus) well distributed in the Iberian Peninsula. Many species of mammals are solitary but others live in large colonies.
It is difficult to observe live mammals in their habitat, both in Andalusia and in Europe. Paradoxically, the simplest group to contemplate is also generally the most inaccessible: the cetaceans of the Strait of Gibraltar, with seven species present, which can be observed on specialized excursions by boat.
Among the mammals of Andalusia, otters (Lutra lutra) ares one of the most exciting to observe in the field.
Deepwater diving of the sperm whale (Physeter catodon).
European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), a key species of Iberian terrestrial ecosystems, with nervous behavior and always on the lookout for predators.
Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), long considered the most endangered feline in the world.
Let’s mention the Iberian mammal par excellence: the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), a lagomorph native to the peninsula and subsequently exported worldwide, and whose name in Phoenician formed the term Hispania, the “land of rabbits”. An herbivorous species that generally lives in colonies and constitutes the fundamental prey of the most emblematic Iberian predators, raptors and carnivores starting with the most famous of them, the iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), a true specialist whose populations depend on the density of this lagomorph.
The iberian lynx, on the verge of extinction, considered for years as the most threatened feline in the world, is the subject of an ambitious conservation project, which has stopped the massacre, stabilized the populations of its last refuges in Sierra Morena and Doñana and government had also started a reintroduction program. The lynx is the symbol of nature conservation in Spain and it is possible to observe the species in its natural environment.
As for the wolf (Canis lupus), the latest news is not comforting and it seems that the species has disappeared from Andalusia. Luckily there are still large populations in Spain, located northwest of Madrid. Among the other carnivores, we can highlight the otter (Lutra lutra) an increasingly easy to observe species in the field.
Another emblematic species of mammal is the spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), an endemic ungulate, but the last specimen of the Pyrenean subspecies disappeared a few years ago. Ibex (Mountain goat) populations are quite important in the Betic Mountains and it is not uncommon to observe them in the wild.
More than thirty species of bats inhabit the Iberian Peninsula. One of the rarest in Europe is the large noctule (Nyctalus lasiopterus), which has populations in southern Andalusia.
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) are abundant in the forests of Andalusia. The rut of the deer, a prelude to mating after the first rains of autumn, marks the beginning of this season and the hydrological year.
Finally, let’s not forget the barbary macaque monkeys (Macaca sylvanus), introduced in Gibraltar and the only European primate in the wild (with about 300 individuals). This species is increasingly located in its original range in North Africa.
Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), an agile wild goat and at ease in the rocks of the mountains.
In the absence of large predators, wild boars (Sus scrofa) are more and more abundant and can pose threats for the ecosystems.
Among the mammals of Andalusia, otters (Lutra lutra) ares one of the most exciting to observe in the field.
Mammals are generally discrete vertebrates very difficult to observe. They have in common their constant body temperature, being covered with hair, being viviparous and feeding their young with milk.
Mammals are the most varied kind of animals in the world … Think of the diversity of occupied habitats by the flying bats, the cetaceans that inhabit the seas or the lagomorphs that eat grass and their carnivorous predators … and the group also holds all the records: on one hand, the world’s largest species is the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) followed by the common whale (Balaenoptera physalus) that migrates through the Strait of Gibraltar; On the other hand, one of the smallest species is the etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus) well distributed in the Iberian Peninsula. Many species of mammals are solitary but others live in large colonies.
Deepwater diving of the sperm whale (Physeter catodon). Photo: Alexandra Farell.
It is difficult to observe live mammals in their habitat, both in Andalusia and in Europe. Paradoxically, the simplest group to contemplate is also generally the most inaccessible: the cetaceans of the Strait of Gibraltar, with seven species present, which can be observed on specialized excursions by boat.
European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), a key species of Iberian terrestrial ecosystems, with nervous behavior and always on the lookout for predators. Photo: Colter Olmstead / Unsplash.
Let’s mention the Iberian mammal par excellence: the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), a lagomorph native to the peninsula and subsequently exported worldwide, and whose name in Phoenician formed the term Hispania, the “land of rabbits”. An herbivorous species that generally lives in colonies and constitutes the fundamental prey of the most emblematic Iberian predators, raptors and carnivores starting with the most famous of them, the iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), a true specialist whose populations depend on the density of this lagomorph.
Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), long considered the most endangered feline in the world. Photo: Enrique Calzado.
The iberian lynx, on the verge of extinction, considered for years as the most threatened feline in the world, is the subject of an ambitious conservation project, which has stopped the massacre, stabilized the populations of its last refuges in Sierra Morena and Doñana and government had also started a reintroduction program. The lynx is the symbol of nature conservation in Spain and it is possible to observe the species in its natural environment.had also started a reintroduction program. The lynx is the symbol of nature conservation in Spain and it is possible to observe the species in its natural environment.
As for the wolf (Canis lupus), the latest news is not comforting and it seems that the species has disappeared from Andalusia. Luckily there are still large populations in Spain, located northwest of Madrid. Among the other carnivores, we can highlight the otter (Lutra lutra) an increasingly easy to observe species in the field.
Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), an agile wild goat and at ease in the rocks of the mountains.
Another emblematic species of mammal is the spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), an endemic ungulate, but the last specimen of the Pyrenean subspecies disappeared a few years ago. Ibex (Mountain goat) populations are quite important in the Betic Mountains and it is not uncommon to observe them in the wild.
More than thirty species of bats inhabit the Iberian Peninsula. One of the rarest in Europe is the large noctule (Nyctalus lasiopterus), which has populations in southern Andalusia.
In the absence of large predators, wild boars (Sus scrofa) are more and more abundant and can pose threats for the ecosystems.
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) are abundant in the forests of Andalusia. The rut of the deer, a prelude to mating after the first rains of autumn, marks the beginning of this season and the hydrological year.
Finally, let’s not forget the barbary macaque monkeys (Macaca sylvanus), introduced in Gibraltar and the only European primate in the wild (about 300 individuals). This species is increasingly located in its original range in North Africa.
Mammals: List of species present in Andalusia
# |
Group |
Family |
Species |
Common name |
Spanish name |
Identification of adults |
Main distribution |
1 | Cetaceans | Baleanopteridae | Balaenoptera physalus | Fin whale | Rorcual común | Unmistakable | Cosmopolitan | VU |
2 | – | Delphinidae | Delphinus delphis | Common dolphin | Delfín común | Easy | Cosmopolitan | Andalusia: CR |
3 | – | Delphinidae | Globicephala melas | Long-finned pilot whale | Calderón de aleta larga | Unmistakable | Cosmopolitan | – |
4 | – | Delphinidae | Grampus griseus | Risso’s dolphin | Calderón gris | Easy | Cosmopolitan | – |
5 | – | Delphinidae | Orcinus orca | Killer whale | Orca | Unmistakable | Cosmopolitan | – |
6 | – | Delphinidae | Stenella coeruleoalba | Striped dolphin | Delfín listado | Easy | Cosmopolitan | Andalusia: VU |
7 | – | Delphinidae | Tursiops truncatus | Common bottlenose dolphin | Delfín mular | Easy | Cosmopolitan | Andalusia: VU |
8 | – | Phocaenidae | Phocoena phocoena | Harbour porpoise | Marsopa | Easy | Northern hemisphere | Spain: VU Andalusia: EN |
9 | – | Physeteridae | Physeter catodon | Sperm whale | Cachalote | Unmistakable | Cosmopolitan | EN |
10 | Ungulates | Bovidae | Ammotragus lervia | Barbary sheep | Arruí | Easy | Recently introduced, North Africa, Sahara | EXOTIC |
11 | – | Bovidae | Capra pyrenaica hispanica | Iberian ibex | Cabra montés mediterránea | Unmistakable | Iberia | Spain: NT Andalusia: VU |
12 | – | Bovidae | Ovis aries | Moufflon | Muflón | Unmistakable | Recently introduced, originally Corsica, Armenia | EXOTIC |
13 | – | Capreolidae | Capreolus capreolus | Roe deer | Corzo | Unmistakable | Europe | Andalusia: VU |
14 | – | Cervidae | Cervus elaphus | Red deer | Ciervo rojo | Unmistakable | Paleartic | Andalusia: LR |
15 | – | Cervidae | dama dama | Fallow deer | Gamo | Unmistakable | Historical introduction (XV century), Asie mineure, Europe | – |
16 | – | Suidae | Sus scrofa | Wild boar | Jabalí | Unmistakable | W Paleartic | – |
17 | Carnivores | Canidae | Canis lupus | Grey Wolf | Lobo | Dificult | Northern hemisphere | Spain: NT Andalusia: EXT? |
18 | – | Canidae | Vulpes vulpes | Red fox | Zorro rojo | Unmistakable | Northern hemisphere, Australia | – |
19 | – | Felidae | Felis silvestris | European wildcat | Gato montés | Dificult | Europe | Spain: NT |
20 | – | Felidae | Lynx pardinus | Iberian lynx | Lince ibérico | Unmistakable | Iberia | EN |
21 | – | Herpestidae | Herpestes ichneumon | Egyptian mongoose | Meloncillo | Unmistakable | Historical introduction, Africa, Iberia, Levant | – |
22 | – | Muestelidae | Lutra lutra | Otter | Nutria Paleartic | Unmistakable | Paleartic | Spain: NT Andalusia: VU |
23 | – | Muestelidae | Martes foina | Beech marten | Garduña | Unmistakable | Europe | – |
24 | – | Muestelidae | Meles meles | Eurasian badger | Tejón | Unmistakable | Paleartic | – |
25 | – | Muestelidae | Mustela nivalis | Weasel | Comadreja | Unmistakable | Paleartic | – |
26 | – | Muestelidae | Mustela putorius | Polecat | Turón | Easy | Europe | NT |
27 | – | Phocidae | Monachus monachus | Mediterranean Monk Seal | Foca monje | Unmistakable | Mediterranean bassin, North Africa | Andalusia: EXT |
28 | – | Viverridae | Genetta genetta | Small-spotted genet | Gineta | Unmistakable | Historical introduction, Africa, Iberia, France | – |
29 | Insectivores | Erinaceidae | Atelerix algirus | Algerian hedgehog | Erizo moruno | Dificult | Historical introduction (limited to the Spanish Mediterranean coast); North Africa | Andalusia: EN |
30 | – | Erinaceidae | Erinaceus Europeeus | Western hedgehog | Erizo europeo | Dificult | Europe | – |
31 | – | Soricidae | Crocidura russula | Greater white-toothed shrew | Musaraña gris | Dificult | Europe, North Africa | – |
32 | – | Soricidae | Crocidura suaveolens | Lesser White-toothed shrew | Musaraña de campo | Dificult | Paleartic | – |
33 | – | Soricidae | Neomys anomalus | Miller’s water shrew | Musgaño de Cabrera | Dificult | Paleartic | Andalusia: EN |
34 | – | Soricidae | Suncus etruscus | Pygmy white-toothed shrew | Musgaño enano | Dificult | S Paleartic | – |
35 | – | Talpidae | Talpa occidentalis | Iberian mole | Topo ibérico | Unmistakable | Iberia | – |
36 | Lagomorphs | Leporidae | Lepus granatensis | Iberian hare | Liebre ibérica | Easy | Iberia | Andalusia: VU |
37 | – | Leporidae | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Wild rabbit | Conejo de monte | Easy | Cosmopolitan, originally Iberia | VU |
38 | Rodents | Muridae | Apodemus sylvaticus | Wood mouse | Ratón de campo | Dificult | Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa | – |
39 | – | Muridae | Arvicola sapidus | Southern water vole | Rata de agua | Tricky | Iberia, France | VU |
40 | – | Muridae | Chionomys nivalis | Snow vole | Neverón | Dificult | Europe, Asia Minor | Spain: NT Andalusia: EN |
41 | – | Muridae | Microtus cabrerae | Cabrera vole | Topillo de Cabrera | Dificult | Iberia | Spain: VU Andalusia: EN |
42 | – | Muridae | Microtus duodecimcostatus | Mediterranean pine vole | Topillo mediterráneo | Dificult | Iberia, S France | – |
43 | – | Muridae | Mus musculus | House mouse | Ratón casero | Dificult | Cosmopolitan | – |
44 | – | Muridae | Mus spretus | Algerian mouse | Ratón moruno | Dificult | Circum-mediterranean | – |
45 | – | Muridae | Rattus novergicus | Brown rat | Rata parda | Dificult | Cosmopolitan | – |
46 | – | Muridae | Rattus rattus | Black rat | Rata negra | Dificult | Cosmopolitan | – |
47 | – | Myoxidae | Eliomys quercinus | Garden dormouse | Lirón careto | Unmistakable | Europe | NT |
48 | – | Sciuridae | Sciurus vulgaris | Red squirrel | Ardilla roja | Unmistakable | Europe | Andalusia: VU |
49 | Primates | Cercopithecidae | Macaca sylvanus | Barbary macaque | Mona de Berbería | Unmistakable | Introduced at Gibraltar, Maghreb | – |
50 | Bats | Miniopteridae | Miniopterus schreibersi | Schreibers’ bat | Murciélago de cueva | Dificult | Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia | VU |
51 | – | Molosidae | Tadarida teniotis | European free-tailed bat | Murciélago rabudo | Dificult | S Paleartic | NT |
52 | – | Rhinolophidae | Rhinolophus euryale | Mediterranean horseshoe bat | Murciélago de herradura mediterráneo | Dificult | SW Paleartic | VU |
53 | – | Rhinolophidae | Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Greater horseshoe bat | Murciélago grande de herradura | Dificult | Paleartic | Spain: NT Andalusia: VU |
54 | – | Rhinolophidae | Rhinolophus hipposideros | Lesser horseshoe bat | Murciélago pequeño de herradura | Dificult | Paleartic | Spain: NT Andalusia: VU |
55 | – | Rhinolophidae | Rhinolophus mehelyi | Mehely’s horseshoe bat | Murciélago mediano de herradura | Dificult | Circum-mediterranean | EN |
56 | – | Vespertilionidae | Barbastella barbastellus | Western Barbastelle | Murciélago de bosque | Dificult | Europe | Spain: NT Andalusia: VU |
57 | – | Vespertilionidae | Eptesicus serotinus | Serotine | Murciélago hortelano | Dificult | Paleartic | – |
58 | – | Vespertilionidae | Hypsugo savii | Savi’s pipistrelle | Murciélago de montaña | Dificult | Paleartic | Spain: NT |
59 | – | Vespertilionidae | Myotis bechsteini | Bechstein’s bat | Murciélago ratonero forestal | Dificult | Cosmopolitan | Spain: VU Andalusia: EN |
60 | – | Vespertilionidae | Myotis blythii | Lesser mouse-eared bat | Murciélago ratonero mediano | Dificult | Paleartic | VU |
61 | – | Vespertilionidae | Myotis capaccinii | Long-fingered bat | Murciélago patudo | Dificult | Europe, Middle East | Spain: EN Andalusia: CR |
62 | – | Vespertilionidae | Myotis daubentoni | Daubenton’s bat | Murciélago de ribera | Dificult | Paleartic | – |
63 | – | Vespertilionidae | Myotis emarginatus | Geoffroy’s bat | Murciélago ratonero pardo | Dificult | W Paleartic | VU |
64 | – | Vespertilionidae | Myotis myotis | Greater mouse-eared bat | Murciélago ratonero grande | Dificult | Europe, Levant | VU |
65 | – | Vespertilionidae | Myotis mystacinus | Whiskered bat | Murciélago bigotudo | Dificult | Paleartic | NT |
66 | – | Vespertilionidae | Myotis nattereri | Natterer’s bat | Murciélagos ratoneros grises | Dificult | W Paleartic | Spain: NT Andalusia: VU |
67 | – | Vespertilionidae | Nyctalus lasiopterus | Greater noctule | Nóctulo gigante | Dificult | W Paleartic | VU |
68 | – | Vespertilionidae | Nyctalus leisleri | Leisler’s bat | Nóctulo menor | Dificult | W Paleartic | Spain: NT Andalusia: VU |
69 | – | Vespertilionidae | Nyctalus noctula | Noctule | Nóctulo mediano | Dificult | Paleartic | Andalusia: EXT |
70 | – | Vespertilionidae | Pipistrellus kuhli | Kuhl’s pipistrelle | Murciélago de borde claro | Dificult | Paleartic | – |
71 | – | Vespertilionidae | Pipistrellus nathusii | Nathusius’s pipistrelle | Murciélago enano de bosque | Dificult | W Paleartic | NT |
72 | – | Vespertilionidae | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Common pipistrelle | Murciélago enano | Dificult | W Paleartic | – |
73 | – | Vespertilionidae | Pipistrellus pygmaeus | Soprano pipistrelle | Murciélago de Cabrera | Dificult | W Paleartic | – |
74 | – | Vespertilionidae | Plecotus austriacus | Grey long-eared bat | Murciélago orejudo gris | Dificult | W Paleartic | NT |
1: Reference publication: Atlas and Red databook of terrestrial mammals of Spain [Spanish].
IUCN: Risk to extinction, taking into account the Red Books of Andalusia (regional IUCN criteria), Spain (national IUCN criteria) and IUCN Red List (global analysis). LR: Lower Risk. NT: Near Threathened. VU: Vulnerable. EN: Endangered. EX: Extinct.