Georgia & Caucasus recent biodiversity papers

A few references of interest with no intent to be exhaustive.


Seehausen, M and Schröter, A and Mumladze, Levan and Grebe, B (2016). Additional Odonata records from Georgia, southern Caucasus eco­-region, with the first record of Ischnura fountaineae (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Notulae Odonatologicae, 8 (8): 247-318.

Schröter, Asmus & Seehausen, Malte & Kunz, Bernd & Günther, André & Schneider, Thomas & Jödicke, Reinhard (2016) Addendum To: Update Of The Odonata Fauna Of Georgia, Southern Caucasus Ecoregion. Odonatologica, 45(3/4):335-336.

Schröter, Asmus & Seehausen, Malte & Kunz, Bernd & Günther, André & Schneider, Thomas & Jödicke, Reinhard. (2015). Update of the Odonata fauna of Georgia, southern Caucasus ecoregion. Odonatologica, 44: 279-342.

Schröter, A. (2010) Dragonflies from eastern Georgia On a collection of dragonflies from eastern Georgia, with the first record of Sympetrum arenicolor (Odonata: Libellulidae). Libellula, 293: 209-222.


Mulder, John & Mulder, Kees. (2020). New distribution records of Orthoptera in Georgia and a review of the country’s species list. Biharean Biologist, 14. 61-71.


Peter Duelli, Daniel Bolt, and Charles S. Henry (2015). Neuroptera of the Caucasian Republic of Georgia, Entomological News, 124(4): 229-244.

Dobosz, Roland & Japoshvili, George & Krivokhatsky, Victor & Wąsala, Roman. (2018). Contributions to the knowledge of neuropterid insects (Neuropterida: Raphidioptera, Neuroptera) of Georgia (Sakartvelo). Part II. Annals of the upper Silesian museum in bytom entomology, 26: 1-21.


Tschikolovets, V.V., Nekrutenko, Y.P. (2012). The Butterflies of Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Armenia, Azerbaijam Georgia and Russian Federation). Tshikolovets Press, Kyiv-Pardubice.

Koçak, Ahmet & Kemal, Muhabbet & Seven Çalışkan, Selma & Özkol, Halil & Kayci, Lokman. (2008). Noctuidae Fauna of the Caucasus Region (Lepidoptera). Cent. ent. Stud. Priamus, Suppl 11: 1-128.

Didmanidze, E.A. (2004). Anotated list of Diurnal Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of Georgia and adjacent territory from Southern Caucasus. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology, 22: 197-226.

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